Mum from Indiana is a dead ringer for Emma Watson

Now this is pretty weird.
Kari Lewis, a mum from Indianapolis in the US, has found that she’s an absolute dead ringer for ‘Harry Potter’ star Emma Watson.
And perhaps best of all, 27-year-old Lewis didn’t have any idea who Emma Watson was until it was pointed out to her by two girls at the Post Office.
Lewis, who rather aptly works at a video shop (there are still video shops?), told Buzzfeed: “I didn’t know who Emma Watson was when I was first spotted at a postal office and a couple of young girls told me I looked like ‘Hermione Granger’.
“I had no idea who Hermione was, nor have I ever heard of that name, at the time since this was when the first Harry Potter film was released. So, my mom and I had to look it up and find out who she was.”
She now does the various eras of Watson, attending cosplay conventions dressed in full Hogwarts regalia from the first movies, right up to casual Hermione in hoody and denim jacket from the latter movies.
“If it wasn’t for those two young girls, I probably wouldn’t have known about Harry Potter until a bit later,” she added.
“I think they sort of started my dive into the Harry Potter universe. I’ve always loved reading books since I first learned how to read, so I think it was inevitable for me to like Harry Potter so much once I started reading it.
“I think it’s super cool because I’ve always related to Hermione in the books (smart, bossy, avid reader, etc). So, it makes cosplaying as Hermione at conventions a thousand times better!”