In response to the ongoing criticisms directed at the British royal household, Meghan Markle has found herself at the center of a recent scandal involving...
Princess of Wales Kate Middleton reached out to Prince Harry’s wife, Meghan Markle, following the explosive allegations of racism levelled against the royal family,...
Hold on to your seats, because the Meghan saga has just taken another jaw-dropping turn. Behind the scenes of the Royal Fairy Tale lies...
The night was supposed to be a celebration of musical legends, honoring the likes of Elton John, Janet Jackson, and Pat Benatar. But the...
The warning bells had been ringing for years, but Prince Harry refused to heed them. As his brother-in-law, Charles Spencer, the brother of the...
Prince Harry is set to be visiting the UK in the coming weeks but will not be joined by Meghan Markle. An Invictus Games has...
LARGO, Md. — President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris made their first appearance together since the president ended his reelection bid, and it’s...
The Royal family is reportedly experiencing tension over Prince George’s future education, with sources suggesting that Kate Middleton is “heartbroken” following a disagreement with Prince...
Prince William has reportedly been hit by an AI deep fake scam that shows him appearing to endorse a crypto website accused by researchers of...
The future roles of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex within the Royal Family are set to be a hot topic as the royals gather...