British Public Apologizes to Taylor Swift for ‘Embarrassing’ Eras Tour Weather

Taylor Swift
It’s fair to say that the U.K. has never been renowned as a go-to tropical vacation destination — but Brits are still seriously red-faced at just how bad the weather has been since Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour arrived in the country at the start of June.
Fans have been despairing on social media at how “embarrassing” it is that Swift has had to endure unseasonably cold, wet conditions for the past two weeks, while performing at outdoor stadiums in Edinburgh, Scotland and Liverpool, England, as well as across the water in Paris, which has also been experiencing decidedly un-summery vibes this June.
Usually, a typical June day in the U.K. will see pleasant temperatures of around 66F, but at Swift’s Edinburgh show, the mercury plummeted to 49F. And during her time in the U.K., there have also been some seriously hair-ruining high winds and thunderstorms — and they might even be affecting her health.
At her Liverpool show last week, Swift, 34, paused her performance to blow her nose, and said with a laugh, “I can do it with a sniffly nose!” in a cute reference to her song, “I Can Do It With a Broken Heart.”
As one concerned fan wrote via X, “She looks so cold. Please somebody let [Taylor] know that jackets are ABSOLUTELY ACCEPTABLE in British ‘summer’ even if you are the world’s biggest international superstar.”
There’s an old British saying that goes, “There’s no such thing as bad weather, only unsuitable clothing.” Sensible advice, sure — but a little boring and disappointing for fans who are being forced to accessorize their sequin shorts with sensible sweaters and raincoats.
Hayley Williams of Paramore, who has been opening for Swift on the European Eras dates, has also been despairing about the conditions. Posting via Instagram Stories before their show in Liverpool, she said, “F–king goth summer and winter-time in June, got three layers on under this outfit! God does not want us to slay!”
The good news is that Swift is set to play three nights at London’s Wembley Stadium this weekend and right now the forecast is looking to be a very pleasant 71F. But since British weather predictions have a habit of changing more frequently than Swift changes her tour costumes, anything could happen… so pack your rain boots, Taylor, and please know that British Swifties are very sorry!