Back in 2011 a seemingly shy Emma Watson made her magical debut as Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter series, and went on to capture the...
Emma Watson celebrated her 30th birthday by sharing an adorable childhood photo of herself on Instagram. The actress thanked her fans for their support throughout her...
It has become known around the Palace that “Other royal family members and courtiers alike know that they risk being read the Riot Act by the...
“The King has made it clear that whatever Kate feels she needs, she gets.” Before the Princess of Wales’ battle with cancer, critics of Kate slammed...
The pop star has been draped in the star-spangled banner for her album. This pride in the flag is misplaced Beyoncé is coupling her album, Cowboy...
JK Rowling has been accused of being transphobic for her views on gender identity and for saying trans women shouldn’t be allowed into female-only spaces. JK...
STOCKHOLM — Taylor Swift dedicated her acoustic, guitar mash-up on Sunday to Max Martin, a Swedish record producer and songwriter. “Max is actually here tonight, but...
middle age Demi Moore refuses to alter her hair for a movie role ever again Sofia Vergara will be celebrating her 52nd birthday this summer, and...
Coco Gauff’s coach, Brad Gilbert, expressed strong disapproval of Paula Badosa’s serving conduct after Gauff triumphed over the Spaniard in the last-16 of the Italian Open....
Travis Kelce was spotted taking a whiskey shot from a slice of bread in true southern fashion as he was joined on stage with Patrick Mahomes...